The Regulatory Toxicology group carries out regulatory science projects assessing human health risks due to chemical exposures. It collaborates with scientists at the Swiss Federal Offices for Public Health (FOPH), Agriculture (FOAG), Food Safety and Veterinary (FSVO), Environment (FOEN), the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic).
Recent projects
- Uranium: Human and environmental impact of uranium derived from mineral phosphate fertilizers
- Cadmium: Cadmium in mineral fertilisers – human and environmental risk update (Video on Youtube)
- Pesticides: Review of the assessment methodology and evidence for combined effects of mixtures of pesticide residues used in plant protection products
- Pesticides: A quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitizing plant protection products: Linking derived No-Effect levels (DNELs) with agricultural exposure models