
Cell type-specific expression and localization of cytochrome P450 isoforms in tridimensional aggregating rat brain cell cultures

Vichi S, Sandström von Tobel J, Gemma S, Stanzel S, Kopp-Schneider A, Monnet-Tschudi F, Testai E, Zurich MG

Toxicology In Vitro,  25 Déc 2015

Pharmacophore Models and Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening: Concepts and Applications Exemplified on Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases

Kaserer T, Beck KR, Akram M, Odermatt A, Schuster D

Molecules,  19 Déc 2015

Swiss University Students' Attitudes toward Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement

Maier LJ, Liakoni E, Schildmann J, Schaub MP, Liechti ME

PLoS One,  10 Déc 2015

YAP promotes proliferation, chemoresistance, and angiogenesis in human cholangiocarcinoma through TEAD transcription factors

Marti P, Stein C, Blumer T, Abraham Y, Dill MT, Pikiolek M, Orsini V, Jurisic G, Megel P, Makowska Z, Agarinis C, Tornillo L, Bouwmeester T, Ruffner H, Bauer A, Parker CN, Schmelzle T, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Tchorz JS

Hepatology,  30 Nov 2015

Acute recreational drug and new psychoactive substance toxicity in Europe: 12 months data collection from the European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN)

Dines AM, Wood DM, Yates C, Heyerdahl F, Hovda KE, Giraudon I, Sedefov R, Dargan PI, Euro-DEN Research Group

Clinical Toxicology,  30 Nov 2015

The Use of Prescription Drugs, Recreational Drugs, and “Soft Enhancers” for Cognitive Enhancement among Swiss Secondary School Students

Liakoni E, Schaub MP, Maier LJ, Glauser GV, Liechti ME

PLoS One,  27 Oct 2015

Impaired mitochondrial function in HepG2 cells treated with hydroxy-cobalamin[c-lactam]: A cell model for idiosyncratic toxicity

Haegler P, Grünig D, Berger B, Krähenbühl S, Bouitbir J

Toxicology,  2 Oct 2015

Umweltchemikalien unter der Lupe - Wie Chemikalien den molekularen Wirkmechanismus beeinflussen

Schuster D, Odermatt A

GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 9/2015,  15 Sep 2015

The AKT/mTOR signaling pathway plays a key role in statin-induced myotoxicity

Bonifacio A, Sanvee GM, Bouitbir J, Krähenbühl S

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,  31 Aoû 2015

Prenatal Exposure to DEHP Affects Spermatogenesis and Sperm DNA Methylation in a Strain-Dependent Manner

Prados J, Stenz L, Somm E, Stouder C, Dayer A, Paoloni-Giacobino A

PLoS One,  5 Aoû 2015