Profiling the proteomic inflammatory state of human astrocytes using DIA mass spectrometry
Dozio V, Sanchez JC
Journal of Neuroinflammation, 30 Nov 2018
Sunitinib induces hepatocyte mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in mice
Paech F, Abegg VF, Duthaler U, Terracciano L, Bouitbir J, Krähenbühl S
Toxicology, 1 Nov 2018
Longitudinal investigation of the metabolome of 3D aggregating brain cell cultures at different maturation stages by 1H HR-MAS NMR
Diserens G, Vermathen M, Zurich MG, Vermathen P
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 31 Oct 2018
A quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitizing plant protection products: Linking derived No-Effect levels (DNELs) with agricultural exposure models
Sanvido O, Schmid K, FitzGerald RE, Roth N, Wilks MF, Bormann P, Hopf NB
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 31 Oct 2018
Impact of Boosted Antiretroviral Therapy on the Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Clopidogrel and Prasugrel Active Metabolites
Marsousi N, Daali Y, Fontana P, Reny JL, Ancrenaz-Sirot V, Calmy A, Rudaz S, Desmeules JA, Samer CF
Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 31 Oct 2018
Consensus statement on the need for innovation, transition and implementation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing for regulatory purposes
Fritsche E, Grandjean P, Crofton KM, Aschner M, Goldberg A, Heinonen T, Hessel EVS, Hogberg HT, Bennekou SH, Lein PJ, Leist M, Mundy WR, Paparella M, Piersma AH, Sachana M, Schmuck G, Solecki R, Terron A, Monnet-Tschudi F, Wilks MF, Witters H, Zurich MG, Bal-Price A
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1 Sep 2018
Effect of the catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors tolcapone and entacapone on fatty acid metabolism in HepaRG cells
Grünig D, Felser A, Duthaler U, Bouitbir J, Krähenbühl S
Toxicological Sciences, 1 Aug 2018
High-dose immunosuppression to prevent death after paraquat self-poisoning - a randomised controlled trial
Gawarammana I, Buckley NA, Mohamed F, Naser K, Jeganathan K, Ariyananada PL, Wunnapuk K, Dobbins TA, Tomenson JA, Wilks MF, Eddleston M, Dawson AH
Clinical Toxicology (Phila), 31 Jul 2018
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes Involved in Metoprolol Metabolism and Use of Metoprolol as a CYP2D6 Phenotyping Probe Drug
Berger B, Bachmann F, Duthaler U, Krähenbühl S, Haschke M
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 24 Jul 2018
Recommendation on test readiness criteria for new approach methods in toxicology: Exemplified for developmental neurotoxicity
Bal-Price A, Hogberg HT, Crofton KM, Daneshian M, FitzGerald RE, Fritsche E, Heinonen T, Hougaard Bennekou S, Klima S, Piersma AH, Sachana M, Shafer TJ, Terron A, Monnet-Tschudi F, Viviani B, Waldmann T, Westerink RHS, Wilks MF, Witters H, Zurich MG, Leist M
ALTEX, 9 Jul 2018